Friday, January 9, 2009

Recent Developments (Some Shameless Filler)

If you happen to attend Northwestern University, you'll know all too well that the first week back from break is a difficult one. Even though you may still have most of the same classes (especially if you're in a year-long math or science sequence), you'll more than likely have different professors who covered different material first quarter, and who likely expect that you've learned more material than you actually have. So, I've kind of been a little buried playing the catchup game, and I'm pretty much back where I'd like to be.

So, this post is basically just to let all four (or so) of you who actually know about this blog know that I haven't forgotten about this yet, and that I'm actually working on two different reviews for what may be a dual review. I have acquired a half-pound sample of a Rwandan from Intelligentsia (finally, I review Chicago coffee) as well as 500g of A Chinese coffee. You read that right, Rwandan and Chinese, side by side in what will be a brilliant comparison piece. If you're a highly experienced coffee drinker, you probably know what to expect, but unless you happen to be God's gift to coffee, I bet you've never had a Yunnan coffee. So, stay tuned, I hope to have this piece up (complete with shiny pictures) by the beginning of next week.

Also, if you're ever taking a Megabus from Chicago, DRESS WARM (really warm). About 50 of my fellow travelers and I were waiting on Canal street for about 80 minutes in the sleet and freezing rain before the bus FINALLY showed up. That being said, now that we're actually on the freeway, I'm quite enjoying the complimentary wifi (when it works). It's slow and clunky, but so is the bus, so I think it's fitting. I'm actually going to be publishing this while cruising along at 70mph or about that.

That's all for now,


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