Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Disclaimer

Now that I've gotten that pesky introductory post out of the way, I can get to the fun stuff! First a little bit of a disclaimer:


I am well aware that there are well-established conventions for reviewing coffee. I am perfectly aware of the various point systems and cupping-numbers and the standards in protocol that one should follow to arrive at these numbers. I am aware of all of these things because I have a very limited amount of casual cupping experience under my belt, but it was enough to get a general feel for the art. All of this being said, for the most part I am going to throw all of this out in favor for purely descriptive review of coffee. Don't get me wrong, I love numbers and the scientific method, but I just don't think that a series of numbers (let alone a single number) can really describe a cup of coffee.

When I make my coffee, I will likely not be follow rigid cupping protocol, and instead, I'll be preparing coffee in the manner I find most enjoyable (Moka Express and/or French Press depending on my mood/how much time I have).  Finally, keep in mind that I've only been drinking coffee for a little over four and a half years, so I don't have nearly the amount of experience as other cuppers out there, but I intend to continue to expand my tasting horizons, and I intend to keep posting as I continue to learn the trade.  Never take any single review as definitive, no matter how well written it is nor how well renown the cupper is.  What I like may disgust you, and what you like may not suit me either.


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